How much taste can be hidden behind a cheese?
With 40 years of cheesemaking experience,
Vassilitsa knows the answer.
Having as a starting point the village of Vasilitsa in the region of Pindos the company Vassilitsa - G. & A. NOUSIAS G.P., located in Nea Lefki of Larissa, started as a family company and was developed to a modern production unit of dairy products, which soon was established in the local region of Thessaly and other places. The year 1967 was a milestone for the company's history with the first export of feta cheese to the West Germany, under the name Vassilitsa; leading the way for other companies to follow.
The constant quantitative and qualitative controls in all the stages of production certify the high quality of products. The 21st century finds Vassilitsa - G. & A. NOUSIAS G.P. to respond to the new demands, consolidating its place in the Greek market and searching for new markets not only in the area of Europe but also in other parts of the world.
The philosophy of the small cheese-dairy family-run business, which, as the time was passing by, evolved to a high-end dairy industry, comprises first of all, the quality of the products in order to satisfy the customers' demands. The continuous personnel training according to the new demands of technology and the machinery upgrade, together with the environmental sensitization of the personnel create an ideal working environment and establish the conditions of the sustainable development.

with the traditional method, according to the national standard specifications
and the Greek and European legislation.
- The designation of the objectives in order to constantly improve the abovementioned systems and their close surveillance through the regular reviews.
- The disposition of the necessary resources for the operation and the effectiveness of the abovementioned systems.